Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Niger Delta And The Oil Companies - 1576 Words

The Niger Delta is a region of Nigeria that is very rich in crude oil and gas. Crude oil and gas make up 70% of the country s revenue and 95% of it s export earnings (Ezekoli, 5608). Those percentages are incredibly high and represents large amounts of money that can be found in the region. However, the people of the Niger Delta never see the wealth that comes from their natural resources. The wealth instead goes to the oil companies set up in the area as well as the pockets of a few elite government officials. The disconnect between the people of Nigeria and the oil companies and governments is incredible (Ezekoli, 5609). The effects are slum turned neighborhoods, increased poverty, and job loss. In order to improve the conflict in the Niger Delta, the government and oil companies need to allow more involvement of women and people as voters and elected officials, and create or adhere a sustainable environmental regulations plan. The poor relationship between the oil companies and t he communities in the Niger Delta is not sudden, it s historical context dates back to as early as the 1930 s and 1950 s. It was 1937 when two British oil companies merged into what today is known as Shell. Shell replaced the initial German oil company in the area from 1908 (Umejesi, 117). Shell set up impressive human and material forces and conducted their first drilled oil well in 1951 in the city of Iho. Worry quickly struck everyone in Nigeria. Shell worried they would not findShow MoreRelatedCorruption In Nigeria Essay examples1156 Words   |  5 PagesHowever, corruption is prevalent in the Niger delta region of Nigeria; public officers in this oil producing state of Nigeria are corrupt. Consequently, it has defied the Niger delta from developing politically and economically which has left the states reputation in a mess. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Drinking Alcohol Affects the Brain Essay example

The topic I chose for my essay is how alcohol can affect the brain. I used Google and Bing as my research database. Initially I found a lot of information on drinking alcohol, but that covered every aspect of it. I wanted to incorporate as much information that I had found on drinking alcohol as I could. From drinking and driving, how people think when they are under the influence, to how alcohol affects the brain. I wanted to make sure I touched base with everything I had learned. I found the most obvious fact, that alcohol can be a very serious problem when not used responsibly. I wanted to try to present both side of alcohol, so I could chose and articles by people who were open minded. Not only can alcohol†¦show more content†¦The people being interviewed revealed more than 2,000 individual decisions that led to alcohol impaired driving. The decisions were then broken down into several categories as shown on the graph attached. Little is known as to what leads people to continue to drinking and driving. But as research shows, people do think, prior to drinking, how they will get home. It’s after they have already drank that they decide to get behind the wheel. Not only could someone driving under the influence affect a person, it could affect someone else on the road at the same time; it could affect the family members having to deal with the alcoholism and possibly death. Who knew alcohol did so much to the brain. It is a curiosity to many as to why people would drink and drive knowing they shouldn’t. People whom drink on a regular basis do not necessarily realize they are under the influence. It can be fun to drink and hang out with your friends, but if you choose to get behind the wheel of a car you could be making one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Why take the chance harming yourself or someone else? People who drink and drive for the first time, than more than likely will do it again if they made it home safely the first time. Drinking and driving is a choice many people make, unfortunately its the wrongShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Dangerous Effects of Alcohol1597 Words   |  7 PagesAlcohol is a very serious and dangerous drug, although it is not treated this way anymore. College students have taken drinking to a new level in which, for many, is very scary. Alcohol is much more dangerous than many would think. Kids see a night of drinking as a great way to have fun and party but do not see the consequences. Getting drunk and even blacking out can lead to many problems. 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But it didn’t just happen in those states, it also happened in the bordering states called â€Å"blood borders.† As a result to these problems, President Ronald Reagan in 1984 signed into lawRead MoreEssay on Alcohol Abuse1701 Words   |  7 Pagesbe abused easily, alcohol is the most accessible as you can legally buy it in almost any city or town without interference if you are above the legal age. Easy access to alcohol is a key reason why alcohol abuse and alcoholism is such a common problem in America. In the United States, â€Å"alcohol abuse affects about 10% of women, and 20% of men. † The scary thing about alcohol is that it attracts and affects people from all socioeconomic backgrounds; nobody is immune to alcohol abuse. When you doRead MoreEssay on The Effects Alcohol Has On Teens1431 Words   |  6 Pagesteens drink alcohol because they think it is fun; however the problems it may bring are not so fun (Hyde 22). There over six times more teen deaths per year from alcohol than any other drug (O’Malley 30). Alcohol affects the body of teens as well as all of the developmental processes. A major issue of te ens drinking is that it increases the chance of becoming an alcoholic in the future; which leads to lowered self-control, impaired judgment, and lowered inhibition (Heath 12). Alcohol can completely

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Biofilm-Mediated Enhanced Crude Oil Degradation by Free Essays

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(2), 48-52, February (2013) Int. Res. We will write a custom essay sample on Biofilm-Mediated Enhanced Crude Oil Degradation by or any similar topic only for you Order Now J. Environment Sci. Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Diesel Engine Oil Degrading Bacteria from Garage Soil and Comparison of their Bioremediation Potential Teli Nikhil1, Verma Deepa2, Gavankar Rohan1 and Bhalerao Satish3 1 Department of Biotechnology, Viva College, Virar (W), Maharashtra, INDIA 2 Department of Botany, Viva College, Virar (w), Maharashtra, INDIA 3 Department of Botany, Wilson College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA Available online at: www. sca. in Received 30th November 2012, revised 12th January 2013, accepted 25th January 2013 Abstract The rate of biodegradation of diesel engine oil by microorganisms isolated from garage soil (petroleum contaminated soil) was studied. Modified diesel engine oil medium was used and two most abundant microorganisms were isolated from garage soil – Micrococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were found to be hydrocarbon degraders and these two bacteria’s were selected for the degradation test. The degradation of di esel engine oil was monitored at a five day interval up to twenty five day period, using gravimetric method. After 25 days of incubation period, Pseudomonas sp. degraded 67. 57 % of the oil and Micrococcus sp. with 52. 95 %. But the mixture of Micrococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were found to have great potential to degrade diesel engine oil i. e. 89. 98 % after 25 days. The rate of degradation of diesel engine oil by Micrococcus sp. was found to be 7. 48 x 10-4gm/hr and that of Pseudomonas sp. was 9. 55 x 10-4gm/hr while the mixture of both bacterial isolates showed highest rate of degradation of diesel engine oil i. e. 1. 27 x 10-3gm/hr. Keywords: Bioremediation, Diesel engine oil, oil spills, hydrocarbon degraders, Micrococcus sp. , Pseudomonas sp. Introduction As we dig deeper into the modern industrial age of technologies, several aspects of human life change. People benefit largely from life development and many live in prosperity, but prosperity has a price. This price is paid by our environment that suffers daily from all kinds of pollutants and destruction. People now have to find ways to cure this destruction. Oil contamination is one of the most dangerous pollution factors known today. It can cause a threat to the environment. It is very feared by environmentalists and it’s very hard to control if it gets out of hand. Oil spills have been a major issue across decades. One of the famous oil spills which are also ongoing is in Taylor Energy Well in Gulf of Mexico, U. S. A caused due to Hurricane; Sept 16, 2004 till present date and almost 0. 03- 0. 05 tones oil/per day is estimated to leak. Another recent oil spill was in Mumbai (India) and caused due to the leakage in Mumbai-Uran pipeline dated January 21, 2011 and about 55 tons of oil was leaked in Arabian Sea. Various such accidents occur throughout the years and it causes damage to our surrounding. Diesel engine oil, which is one of the major products of crude oil, constitutes a major source of pollution in our environment. With the combined dependence on diesel engine oil by some vehicles and generators, greater quantities are being transported over long distances. Therefore diesel engine oil can enter into the environment through wrecks of oil tankers carrying diesel oil, cleaning of diesel tanks by merchants, war ships carrying diesel oil and motor mechanics1. Diesel oil spills on agricultural land generally reduce plant growth. Suggested reasons for the reduced plant growth in diesel oil contaminated soils range from direct toxic effect on plants2 and reduced germination to unsatisfactory soil condition due to insufficient aeration of the soil because of the displacement of air from the space between the soil particles by diesel engine oil3. Among several clean–up techniques available to remove petroleum hydrocarbons from the soil and groundwater, bioremediation processes are gaining ground due to their simplicity, higher efficiency and cost–effectiveness when compared to other technologies4. This study was therefore designed to monitor the rate of biodegradation of diesel engine oil (hydrocarbon) by microorganisms isolated from garage soil (petroleum contaminated soil), by using gravimetric method. Material and Methods Preparation of modified diesel oil medium: The modified diesel oil medium comprised of 0. 7 gm K2HPO4, 0. 1 gm (NH4)2SO4, 0. 3 gm KH2PO4, 0. 3 gm MgSO4 7H2O, 2. 2 gm agar – agar5. The mineral components of the medium were dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water and mixed with 2 ml of Gulf diesel engine oil. The medium was autoclaved at 121oC for 15 min. International Science Congress Association 8 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(2), 48-52, February (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. Enrichment of microorganisms: Microorganisms capable of degrading diesel engine oil were enriched in sterile modified diesel engine oil medium by inoculating soil (which wa s collected from Maharashtra garage, 65 years old garage at Sewri) in to the medium in 250 ml conical flask. 0. 5 gm of this garage soil was inoculated in to the 100 ml of sterile modified diesel oil broth and allowed to incubate at 37oC for 1 week. Isolation of microorganisms: After 1 week of incubation period, 1 drop of enriched culture was spread on to the sterile modified diesel oil agar plate. The plate was incubated at 37oC for 48 hr. After 48 hr incubation; two different bacterial colonies were selected from incubated plate. Each bacterial colony type was sub cultured repeatedly onto sterile nutrient agar plates to obtain a pure culture. Pure cultures of bacterial isolates were identified on the basis of their colonial morphology, cellular morphology and biochemical characteristics according to the taxonomic scheme of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology6. Determination of microbial colony numbers for degradation studies: 5 ml of sterile Nutrient broth was aseptically inoculated with a loopful of pure culture of Colony 1(C1) in first test tube and Colony 2 (C2) in second test tube and incubated both the tubes at 37oC for 24 hr. After incubation, the numbers of organisms present in one ml of nutrient broth were determined by spread plate method. The numbers of organisms were adjusted in both the tubes in such a way that both the isolates contain approximately equal numbers of microorganism in one ml of sample by using sterile Nutrient broth as a diluent7. Soil sample collection and preparation: Top surface soil sample was collected from the premises of the Shahid Bhagatsingh Ground, Kalachowki; in sterilized plastic containers. Soil sample meant for degradation studies was sterilized using autoclave at 121oC for 15 min, after which it was allowed to cool to room temperature for further treatments. Description and treatment of samples: Test: i. 12 samples of 15 gm sterilized soil mixed with 1 ml (0. 848 gm) of Sterile Gulf diesel engine oil + 0. 2 ml culture of C1, ii. 12 samples of 15 gm sterilized soil mixed with 1 ml (0. 48 gm) of Sterile Gulf diesel engine oil + 0. 2 ml culture of C 2, iii. 12 samples of 15 gm sterilized soil mixed with 1 ml (0. 848 gm) of Sterile Gulf diesel engine oil + 0. 1 ml culture of C1+ 0. 1 ml culture of C 2 Control: 12 samples of 15 gm sterilized soil mixed with 1 ml (0. 848 gm) of Sterile Gulf diesel engine oil + 0. 2 ml of sterile distilled water. Diesel oil degradation studies: The ability of C1, C2 an d mixture of both the bacterial isolates to degrade diesel oil was monitored on the first day (day zero) of the study and subsequently at 5-day interval for 25 days. Carbon tetrachloride was employed as an extractant. On each day, two samples per single treatment were analyzed for the quantity of residual diesel oil7. Each of the 15gm soil treatment samples was mixed with 40 ml of carbon tetrachloride, placed in a separating conical flask, shaken vigorously for 3 min and allowed to settle for 5 min. The liquid phase was separated by allowing the supernatant (diesel oil – carbon tetrachloride) to pass gradually through a funnel fitted with filter paper (Whatman No 1). Anhydrous sodium sulphate spread on the filter paper was employed to remove any moisture in the mixture. The liquid phase was collected in a 50-ml pre-weighed beaker. The beaker containing the extract was placed in an oven and the extractant allowed to evaporate at 50oC. The beaker with the residual diesel oil was allowed to cool to room temperature and weighed to determine the quantity of residual diesel oil by difference8. Results and Discussion In this study, the soil samples were gathered from the garage (oil contaminated site) because the capability of native bacterial population to mineralize crude oil hydrocarbons in oil contaminated sites was confirmed before by many scientists9. The rate of biodegradation of Diesel engine oil by hydrocarbonoclastic organisms isolated from garage soil were assessed. Table – 1 and table – 2 shows that, using cultural characteristics and biochemical characteristics, two bacterial isolates; Micrococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were identified by compairing it with the Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology. The number of CFU/ml of both the bacterial isolates was adjusted to 7. 88 x 107 CFU/ml for degradation studies. The biodegraders which were Micrococcus sp. , Pseudomonas sp. and Mixture of both the culture showed different abilities in the breakdown and utilization of the diesel engine oil. Character Colony 1 Colony 2 Size 1-2 mm 2-3 mm Table-1 Colony characteristics of bacterial isolates on Nutrient agar plate Shape Elevation Colour Consistency Circular Irregular Convex Flat Yellowish Fluorescent green Butyrous Mucoidal Opacity Opaque Translucent International Science Congress Association 49 Intern ational Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(2), 48-52, February (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. Table-2 Biochemical characteristics of bacterial isolates C1 Positive Cocci Clusters No spore Non motile Positive Negative Negative Negative Positive No Fermentation No Fermentation No Fermentation No Fermentation Acidic, No gas, No H2S Negative Negative Negative Positive Micrococcus sp. Character Gram stain Morphology Arrangement Endospore Motility Catalase Oxidase Citrate Indole Gelatin Glucose fermentation Lactose fermentation Sucrose fermentation Mannitol fermentation Tripple sugar iron Methyl red Voges proskauer Nitrate reduction Urea Organism C2 Negative Rods Solitary No spore Sluggishly Motile Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive No Fermentation No Fermentation No Fermentation No Fermentation Alkaline, No gas, No H2S Negative Negative Negative Negative Pseudomonas sp. Table-3 Weight of diesel engine oil extracted (on various days) from 15 gm soil samples polluted with 1 ml (0. 848 gm) of Sterilized diesel oil and 0. 2 ml of culture Day Sample I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Weight of diesel oil extracted (gm) 0. 848 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 807 gm 0. 801 gm 0. 30 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 787 gm 0. 639 gm 0. 639 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 663 gm 0. 348 gm 0. 483 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 545 gm 0. 290 gm 0. 271 gm 0. 848 gm 0. 399 gm 0. 275 gm 0. 085 gm 0. 848 gm Weight of diesel oil degraded (gm) 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 0. 041 0. 047 0. 018 0. 000 0. 061 0. 209 0. 209 0. 000 0. 185 0. 500 0. 365 0. 000 0. 303 0. 558 0. 577 0. 000 0. 449 0. 573 0. 763 0. 000 Rate of degradation (gm/hr) 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 3. 42 x 10-4 3. 92 x 10-4 1. 50 x 10-4 0. 00 2. 54 x 10-4 8. 71 x 10-4 8. 71 x 10-4 0. 00 5. 14 x 10-4 1. 39 x 10-3 1. 01 x 10-3 0. 00 6. 31 x 10-4 1. 6 x 10-3 1. 20 x 10-3 0. 00 7. 48 x 10-4 9. 55 x 10-4 1. 27 x 10-3 0. 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 *values are means of twice determinations. Key: i. Sterilized soil + Sterilized diesel oil + Micrococcus sp. ii. Sterilized soil + Sterilized diesel oil + Pseudomonas sp. iii. Sterilized soil + Sterilized diesel oil + Micrococcus sp. + Pseudomonas sp. IV. Sterilized soil + Sterilized diesel oil International Science Congress Association 50 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(2), 48-52, February (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. Diesel engine oil degradation study by Micrococcus sp: It was seen that the rate of diesel oil degradation by Micrococcus sp. was slow as compared to the rate of degradation of diesel oil by Pseudomonas sp. and mixture of Micrococcus sp. and pseudomonas sp. But the diesel oil degradation potential of Micrococcus sp. was continuously increasing as the time of contact between oil and organism increased. Diesel engine oil degradation study by Pseudomonas sp: It can be seen that the efficiency of Pseudomonas sp. to degrade diesel engine oil is faster than that of Micrococcus sp. As the incubation period increases the rate of degradation of diesel engine oil also increases. But it was seen that till 15th day, the rate of degradation was much faster. This was probably due to the exponential phase of the cell growth but after that the rate of degradation was slightly decreased. It was possibly because of cells of the Pseudomonas sp. were near to its stationary phase of cell growth. Diesel engine oil degradation study by mixture of Micrococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp: The weight of diesel oil extracted from soil containing diesel engine oil and mixture of both bacterial isolates i. . Micrococcus sp. + Pseudomonas sp. showed continuous weight loss till the 25th day of incubation period. After 5th day of incubation period it was seen that there was a drastic increase in the rate of diesel oil degradation till the 25th day of incubation period which was quite higher than that of the single culture of Micrococcus sp. as well as that of the Pseudomonas sp. In this cas e it was found that around 90% of the diesel engine oil was degraded after 25th day and rate of degradation of diesel oil was found to be continuously increasing i. e. 1. 50 x 10-4gm/hr after 5th day to 1. 7 x 10-3gm/hr after 25th day. Conclusion When Micrococcus sp. is used in combination with Pseudomonas sp. it showed a great potential to diesel oil degradation. This was probably due to the different enzyme system from two different bacterial isolates that acts on hydrocarbon at a time which proved to be an excellent option to degrade that hydrocarbon if both the bacterial enzyme system posses considerable efficiency to act upon it and to degrade it10. This was followed by single culture of Pseudomonas sp and then Micrococcus sp. The oil degradation by Pseudomonas sp. as not surprising not only because it was isolated from garage soil which was already contaminated by oil and grease but also because it is known to possess a more competent and active hydrocarbon degrading enzyme sy stem than Micrococcus sp. It is known to be fast growing and is capable of degrading a wide variety of organic compounds11. In the case of Micrococcus sp. which is also known to posses the considerable efficiency to use it as an oil degrader, but it requires more time compared to that of the Pseudomonas sp. Figure–1 Comparison of % Diesel engine oil degradation International Science Congress Association 51 International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414 Vol. 2(2), 48-52, February (2013) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. Figure–2 Comparison: Rate of Diesel engine oil degradation (gm/hr) By using biological processes, as in the case of bioremediation, usually lowers the costs as compared to chemical treatment processes for various contaminated sites. It is also less disturbing to the environment. However, because it is a natural process, it requires time. The above experiment shows that bioremediation can be used effectively to treat oil contaminated soil. The remarkable rate of diesel oil degradation by bacterial isolates shown by this method allows for the safe and convenient use of this microorganism in the oil contaminated area. Moreover the results obtained from the comparison between the diesel oil degrading ability of Pseudomonas sp. , Micrococcus sp. and mixture of both helps them to use in different bioremediation processes based upon their efficiencies. And the advantages of employing mixed cultures as opposed to pure cultures in bioremediation have been demonstrated. . 3. Baker J. 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J. J. , Antai S. P. , Degradation and mineralization of References 1. Hill G. B. , Moxey J. G. , Gasoline and Diesel oil In: Gathee VB (ed) Petroleum Product Handbook Mc-Grew Hill, 4, 1-4 NY (1980) 11. Ijah U. J. J. , Okang C. N. , Petroleum Degrading capabilities of bacteria isolated from soil, W. A. J. Biol. Appl. Chem. , 38(1-4), 915 (1993) International Science Congress Association 52 How to cite Biofilm-Mediated Enhanced Crude Oil Degradation by, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Effects of Modern Feminism and Masculinity on Heterosexual Relationships free essay sample

Living in a world that has gotten more and more sophisticated as time goes by, people seem to have overlooked their basic natures as organisms and how this greatly influences the choices that we make in our lives. As organisms, our main purpose in life is to reproduce and ensure that our species survive. When we put this in the context of our modern social structure, it seems as if the two existing sexes don’t want this to happen. Today we see females pushing for â€Å"equal rights†, complaining that the traditional roles of society for them are unfair and that they are the oppressed sex, wanting to be independent of men, pursuing careers and ambitioning to rise in power. We see males who have rationalized that sensitivity is a trait that will help them procure relationships, males who have been conditioned to believe that anything remotely masculine is to be ridiculed and subdued. Thus, we have a flawed modern gender-dynamic. Often do we hear that men, women and relationships are such mysteries that we can never grasp the way they work and think; we then forget that nothing in this world is fundamentally mysterious. In reality, it’s only us humans and our inability to rationally explain the way things works. When we draw attention to how something functions beyond our reasoning, it’s the same as drawing attention to how little our understanding is. But men, women, relationships they are not mysteries. We have just gotten caught up with the fabrications and demands of the present society that we have forgotten how simple these things are. The original need of feminism, which happened before the middle of the 20th century, was because there were many legal and social restrictions on what women could do. Women were not legally allowed to own property, to vote, etc. and feminists of that time worked hard to remove these biases against women. This is a righteous push for equality. The problem with modern feminism is that it assumes the need for a 50/50 type of equality of men and women. ____ stated that men and women are fundamentally different and want different things; this makes it difficult to compare their welfare. This basically means that we cannot assume that if we achieve a 50/50 equality that everything then is fair and right. Furthermore, according to Richards (2003), feminists are prepared to throw all constraints of morality to the winds; that right or wrong, fair or unfair; they will pursue anything which is to the benefit of women. In support of this Venker (2011) said that once feminism came along, women abandoned their pedestal in droves and decided they wanted to share man’s pedestal with him. They claimed they wanted both sexes on the same pedestal to represent equality and prove men and women are the same. Instead, they found themselves in conflict. Since there isn’t enough room on a pedestal for both of them, feminists pushed men off to make room for themselves. That’s not equality, that’s matriarchy. The idea of living in a world that demands double standards from its inhabitants is not far off. ____ stated that the very men who encourage women to be most daring and sexless complain most bitterly of the sexlessness of women. The same holds true with women. The women who adore men so tremendously for their social smartness and sexlessness as males, hate them most bitterly for not being â€Å"men†. In our opinion, the popularized notion that sex roles are interchangeable is a fantasy that will continue to harass and stain the beautiful way of life that has ensured the survival of humans. Men and women shouldn’t be seen as competitors or one being more powerful and dominating over the other, rather we should see them as counterparts each providing their own contributions. One cannot exist and will not exist without the other. II. Body: Part1 The generation today has changed. Compared to what our mothers had as careers, women seek for careers that will provide them economic stability. Jacobs, 2004) As mentioned earlier by Baumgardner (2010), Feminism arrived in a different way in the lives of the women of this generation; they never knew a time before where girls can do anything boys can. In line with this, Jacobs (2004) says that nowadays, a woman’s fiscal self-sufficiency has transformed the gender dynamics affecting marriage. In cases where the wife brings in mor e money rather than her husband, this causes discrepancy in the ideal roles in a relationship. This damages the relationship in a sense that there is a turnaround of fixed economic power. The couple will often deal with the connotation of disrespect for the man. Due to the changing times, men nowadays expect their wives to contribute to economic responsibilities of the family and are aggravated when women are not able to do so. Based on a study, people who focus on power and money are prone to suffering depression rather than those who prioritize humanitarian values. One of the most profound and unrecognized influences on our ability to be happily married is the stress of living in the material world. A great deal of couples concern themselves on earning and shelling out rather than marriage, meaning, to bring an end to splurging meant altering their position and worth. Couples are certain that going after worldly goods is for the benefit of their family, but in reality it is for the social position and benefits. (Jacobs, 2004) Part2 Society has a way of creating and molding our identities yet at the same time, unconsciously, we as well leave an imprint on society’s structure. The very basic question that people ask when it comes to gender roles in society is â€Å"what should males and females do? † Simple? Not quite, the answers to this question have become perplex to the point that even endorsers of modern feminism and masculinity are often confused and have conflicts with their own preferences and ideals. We have entered an era of unprecedented â€Å"advancement† in humanity and now we seem to have misplaced and suppressed our true natures of being just another organism of this world. Entering relationships nowadays has become a more complicated process than what we would prefer it to be. People have forgotten that relationships are based on the need for our race to propagate themselves through continuous reproduction and nourishment. As the roots of feminism penetrate deeper and deeper into society, the two genders are slowly becoming normalized. Men are afraid to be men because masculinity has been effectively demonized and women are afraid to be women because â€Å"femininity† is perceived as an unequal form of masculinity rather than a complement to it. Part3 According to Lawrence (2003), as human beings, life is filled with excitement and a wide range of emotions. Our bodies feel hunger, thirst, anger, sadness, love, tenderness, hate and grief. These are only a number of emotions that belong to our bodies, and at the same time acknowledged by the mind. However, these are two different matters, mental feelings and real feelings. What society does not know is that, the education we are given has trained us to feel a certain range of emotions. We are told what to feel, what not to feel and how to feel the feelings we allow ourselves to feel. Everything else does not exist. This feeling only what you allow yourselves to feel at last kills all capacity for feeling, and in the higher emotional range you feel nothing at all. Higher emotions are associated with love in all its manifestations, from genuine desire to tender love, love for others, love for God and others. All of these are more or less dead due to too much sentimental imitation for such emotions. We belong to the age where everything is exaggerated. The game we all play involve sentimentality and counterfeit feeling. People thrive on it, live with it and could swallow it up. However, one could expect to fool oneself for quite some time regarding one’s emotions, but never forever. When reality strikes back, it hits us relentlessly over and over again. III. Conclusion: When all hope seems to be lost in terms of gender equality, Femininity comes into the picture. Femininity has a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally linked with girls and women. Traits that fall under femininity that are considered feminine include gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity   though traits associated with femininity often vary depending on location and context, and include a variety of social and cultural factors. This is the female counterpart of masculinity. As Fromm (2000) says, â€Å"The masculine character can be defined as having the qualities of guidance, activity, discipline, and adventurousness; the feminine character by the qualities of productive receptiveness, protection, realism, endurance, and motherliness. Despite femininity being the counterpart of masculinity, men and women are certainly different from one another. Both genders were designed and fashioned in their own way. This simply means that women cannot be content by believing to be like men. This applies to men as well, they will never be content by believing to be like women. How do we truly be happy and live in harmony? By simply eradicating political correctness completely. Society has to teach boys and girls that it is perfectly normal to be different. That’s the way it is. Society has to stop teaching girls that they are inferior to boys, which feminists have been brainwashing us to think. Jacobs (2004) says, everyone wants to be in love and human beings looking for love suffer from the common, regrettable characteristic of becoming deeply emotionally attached a new lover before they know whether it is really wise for them to form such attachment. Attachment is created and preserved commonly in large scale evidence that is foolish and unfavorable. Society is in denial of the hardships of marriage wherein it favors idealism over reality. Fromm (2000) finds a way to deal with this by saying one must know himself and his partner impartially in order to see past the illusions and the ideal image. Perhaps the most crucial obstacle of marriage is that while one is devising a plan and learning how to live with the differences between himself and his spouse, one must simultaneously maintain a respectful and loving relationship. Fromm (2000) expounds on respect by saying, it is taking the person completely and wholeheartedly, not to be mistaken for horror and admiration. We expect to develop with this person a lifelong relationship that will nourish both of us as we build a family. Our relationship and our children will simultaneously thrive and grow and our family will find fulfilment. It is simple really, one should live as one feels like, not as you think you should. Feelings are hardly ever wrong. Feminism cannot change that. Kanazawa (2008) says You are seldom wrong if you follow your feelings; you are seldom right if you follow feminism or any other political ideology.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Fool In King Lear Essays - British Films, English-language Films

The Fool In King Lear The Fool in King Lear There has always been a perpetual jester in a kingly court. Often he has provided entertainment via his superficial jokes and has won the good graces of his master by creating an atmosphere of ebullience and joviality. Rarely has there existed a fool of such vivacious and rudiment cruelty, practicality and unprecedented common sense as the fool of William Shakespeare's King Lear. This fool is blessed with a mellifluous voice of nonsensical reason, which he uses throughout the play as a function of perpetuating Lear's madness to the point of a complete metamorphosis and the conception of clarity of mind. The fool's original and supposed role is that of entertainer; although Lear's Fool is a more convoluted version, as he is an ironical paradox of love, cruelty and is filled with didactic perspicacity. One is able to see his practicality, as well as his affection for Lear when he urges the King to come out of the storm: ?Good nuncle, in, and ask thy daughters blessing.? (III, ii, 11) The Fool primarily recognizes the severity of the storm, and advises Lear to forget his pride, so that he may enjoy a comfortable surrounding. ?Here's a night pities neither wise men nor fools? (III, ii, 12) is the subsequent line, which contains a subjective insult; whereby the distinction of who is the wise man and who is the fool is dubitable. A direct affront to the King, one that is immersed in truth and sagacity, occurs in Act I, Scene IV when the Fool proclaims to Lear: ?I had rather be any kind o'thing than a fool, and yet I would not be thee, nuncle.? (I, iv, 176) This comment is contrived due to Lear's folly in partitioning the kingdom, his relinquishment of his land, and the sanction for his daughters to take power. The Fool attempts to make Lear ascertain his folly, but it is too early for such cognizance. When he realizes this, the Fool tells Lear: ?I am better than thou art now. I am a fool, thou art nothing.? (I, iv, 184) By pointing out his superiority to the King, he cruelly underscores Lear's senility, while returning to the continuous theme of ?nothing,? constructed wholly by Lear. The gratuitous quality of his comments, as well as Lear's seeming disregard for them and his continuous insistence of treating the Fool as though he were his child accentuate the Fool's cruelty. The Fool acts as a way to quantify the king's sanity. Lear's madness (increases) overtly throughout the play, and the fool's presence emphasizes the moments where an alteration in Lear's state of mind in revealed. At the end of Act 1, Lear almost strikes the fool after he tells the king: ?Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.? (I, v, 41) The Fool, however, is under the aegis of the gods as discussed earlier, so Lear would in fact be mad if he were to abuse him. Lear suddenly backs off, revealing a semblance of some sanity, and then professes: ?Let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven!? (I, v, 43) In a similar declaration, Lear says: ?O Fool, I shall go mad.? (II, ii, 475) after he speaks of committing revenge upon his daughters. The Fool has been silent for some time, as it seems that Lear owns the necessary insight to perceive the future - a role which the Fool has previously made his own. Lear's fool is untouchable as the insightful, wise and holy fool who is under the protection of the gods or some prophetic powers, and is the ?all licensed jester.? Child-like in his character, loved, pampered and indulged he enjoys the King's good graces despite his continuous devastating remarks. He often tells Lear ?I'll teach you? or ?you were foolish and still are.? This omnipresent exhibition of superiority of a jester over his king could be punished; instead it is embraced. The fool talks to the king as though Lear was his fool: Fool: Dost thou know the difference, my boy, between a bitter fool and a sweet one? Lear: No, Lad, teach me. Lear joins in the game by allowing it

Monday, November 25, 2019

The role of project managers in project management

The role of project managers in project management Free Online Research Papers The success of the project is measured as the ability to complete the project according to the specifications and within the specified budget and time schedule decided prior beginning the project. For proper flow of the project and to complete the project in due course of time both planning and execution must be properly implemented. In this essay we shall discuss about the basics of the project, project manager and project management. All the main aspects of the role of project managers to get the project running and to achieve its goals are defined below. First there is detailed explanation of the project and the set of working that would be followed by the organizations. Further it would be considering the selection of the project managers and the qualities required by them as they are key personnel in enabling the project to attain its set of goals. Further more it is discussed about selecting project considering its key values and implementing strategy to achieve the desired goals. A detailed explanation is given on the project life cycle and 7-S framework considered for the project manager. Lastly it is discussed about the general conflicts that generate during the working of the project a s it involves many teams and departments of the organization. Finally a practical approach would be discussed about the role of project manager in project management. Project has been defined as â€Å"A temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service† (Project Management Institute, 2001, p.167) A project is usually a one time activity with a well defined set of goals. In order for the smooth conduct of the project it can be divided into many sub-division of the main goal. The sub-divided projects are then handled by many of the different departments in the organization to accomplish desired end results. The completion of the project is measured according to the goals defined and within the specified budget and time schedule. Similar to the product life cycle the project also has a life cycle. From a slow beginning with the appointment of the project manager, choosing a team of members for the project, allocating resources etc, they build up momentum; reach the peak point, starts declining and finally termination of the project. Furthermore if a project needs to be successfully completed then the project manager is expected to incorporate all the characteristic of the project, validate that the proper knowledge and resources are available, both planning and execution must be properly implemented. The project manager takes the responsibility of for planning, implementing, beginning and ending the project in the due course of the time as promised prior taking the project into account. The project managers first set of the task is to know the client’s history about the working of his organization, his needs and wants for the project given to the project manager’s organization. Then he has to deicide on the preliminary budget, select the people to serve on the project team, make sure that the proper facilities are available, the important thing is to consider the fact that the supplies required for the project are met through when needed and precaution should be taken of the time details necessary to get the project moving. Selection of the project manager is one of the most important aspects concerning the project. The following are the list of some important attributes, skills and qualities required for selecting the project manager. A strong technical background. A hard-nose manager. A mature individual. Someone who is currently available. Someone on good terms with senior executives. A person who can keep the project team happy. One who has worked in several different departments. A person who can walk on (or part) the waters. (As sited on Meredith, J.R. Mantel, S.J., Project Management – a Managerial Approach, p.140, 2003) Above all are the key pre-requisites for selecting a Project Manager. Apart from the different skills and attributes the other main qualities which are possessed by the project managers are credibility, sensitivity, leadership, ability to handle stress and management style. There are two different kinds of credibility that are needed by the project manger they are technical credibility and administrative credibility. â€Å"A project manager with reasonable technical competence seems to be associated with the project success and it is seen by the project team members to be a ‘positive’ leadership characteristic (Zimmerer and Yasin, 1998). The other credibility is the administrative in this the project manager has the responsibility to its clients and the senior management, to keep the project on schedule and within the cost determined to them prior to the project was undertaken, report to the superior manager about the working and progress of the project during certain intervals of the project. Project managers should be political sensitive it means that they should have the ability to sense interpersonal conflicts earlier then that generates among the project team. They should have the aptitude to confront and deal with the issues before the inconsistency escalates into interdepartmental and intradepartmental warfare. Leadership has been defined as â€Å"interpersonal influence, exercised in the situations and directed through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specified goal or goals† (Tannenbaum and Massarick, 1957). â€Å"Project management provides an organization with powerful tools that improve its ability to plan, implement, and control its activities as well as the ways in which it utilizes its people and resources† (Meredith, J.R. Mantel, S.J., Project Management – a Managerial Approach, p.1, 2003). The entire effort-from the implementation of the technology to the management of the change to the organization (culture, process and structure) needs to be managed. The project manager assigned by the organization has this responsibility and the associated authority to effect the needed change. The project manager also has responsibility to manage the vendor activities, deliverables and schedule while establishing a foundation for the ongoing partnership between the vendor and the organization. Effective project management involves communicating both upward and downward within the organization in order to understand the business concerns, gain acceptance of the pending changes and gain project buy-in and support for the teams activities. The project that is undertaken is assessed through various stages some of the important criteria for selecting the project are as follows based on Souder (1973) 1. Realism – The project to be embark on should be based on the reality of the manager’s decision and include the numerous objective of both the firm and its manager. It should also take into account the various factors like the project risk, technical risk of performance, cost, time and factors considering the customer rejection. 2. Capability – The decision made should be sophisticate enough to deal with multiple time periods, consider various situations like the micro and macro economic factors of the organization. 3. Flexibility – The project should be flexible enough to adjust as per the market change. It should also consider the firm’s environment in which it operates its primary business or the defined objectives of the firm. 4. Ease of Use – The project should be realistically convenient, it should not take a long time to execute, should be easy to implement and understand. It should also consider the resources that are readily available with the firm and it should not require special interpretation or equipment. 5. Cost – This is among the most important factors to be consider, the project selected should be profitable to both, the client and the firm. It should not require special equipment, human resource, which are in use for the current project and not useful after the completion of the project. After selecting the appropriate project which is feasible, profitable and that meets the goals or the objectives of the organization the implementation process begins. Source: Harvey Maylor, Project management. The planning stage involves the formulation and revision of the intended activity that needs to be carried out when the project is taken into consideration. After analysing the activity that needs to be performed the execution of the project is carried out. The check/study phase is the period when the performance, quality, quantity, cost and time is considered during the project initial stage. The final stage is the act stage where the process is considered as being the final termination or completion of the project. (Harvey Maylor, p.7, 1999) Thereafter selecting the project implementation process the framework for the project is required. The 7-S framework of management issues was promoted by McKinsey and Co., management consultants. 7-S model provides an effective way of analyzing an organization, in terms of dynamic relationship among 7 key elements namely: Strategy – The pre-requisites resources needed for the project and the technique to achieve them. Structure – The arrangement of the organizational departments that relates to each other; centralized or decentralised. Systems – The procedures, processes and routines that characterize how the work should be done: Financial system, recruiting, promotion and performance appraisal systems. Staff – The selection, appointing, position given in the project team are considered. Skills – The implementation of the managerial and technical tools during the working phase of the project by the managers as well as the project team. Style/Culture – Determining the ethics and code of conduct to maintain during the achievement of the organizational goals. Stakeholders Individuals or the group which are interested in the outcome of the project considered. The process of planning a project usually requires inputs from various people. No matter the size or the quantity of the project, planning involves interaction with different departments and staff working in the organization. It is logically not possible to interact with different people without having conflict, when there is a conflict there should be proper way to tackle the issues arising out of conflicts. Conflict can be defined as â€Å"the process which begins when one party perceives that the other has frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some concern of his† (Thamhain and Wilemon, P.891, 1975). Conflicts normally occur on issues such as schedules, priorities, staff requirement, technical factors, administrative procedure, cost estimates and personality conflicts. The best method known to mankind in solving the conflict is negotiation. Raffia (1982, P.139) defines a Pareto-Optimal solution to the two party conflict and discusses the nature of the bargaining process req uired to reach optimally, a difficult and time consuming process. Practical approach in understanding the role of project manager in project management. Bhavan’s is the largest college in Mumbai and it has over 25,000 full-time and part-time students. There is a large infrastructure which includes a learning resource centre, student services and 1,200 internet enabled PCs. The project was aimed at providing the learning materials over the internet to deliver specific study materials to identified group of students. To test the content of the study materials that are being provided are correct. It specified the objectives to achieve student course data exchange easily, to identify the rules and regulation within the college, to establish summary reports and to ensure that the tracking and reporting of the student achievements are met through intercourse and over the internet also. The project management approach was similar to the PRINCE for example but it was mixture of different combination of recognised practices. The main advantages of the methodical approach were to control, focus, key inputs/outputs, clear objective and challenges. It was the policy of the institute that the project was taken into consideration only if the project was beneficial to the institute. If the project was undertaken it would increase the reputation and market creditability of the institution. The matter it was concerned for was the funding of the project, it was considered that it would not fit in the strategy of the institution but the involvement in this project was very attractive for the external sources. The time required for the project to get down the resources to work was not that easy. There was a great deal of trust in people’s skills and expertise was endowed. A real ‘push’ was required towards the end of the project to ensure its successful concl usion. When the issue came into the notice of the trustees and the stakeholders there was a deliberate strategy tracked to ensure maximum support and get the project completed. The initial objective was to get a green signal from the trustees and stakeholders and it was achieved. The project was explained in a understandable measure so that it does not create any fears or confusion that would have been experienced. It was essential that the academic registry, the senior management team and the head of IT services would accept the project. Hence transparency and honesty was the best data to be provided to the internal management team. Team building was a essential step in getting the project to be selected. The main aim of the project was summoned as it would help the internal management team and not just being the facility provided to the external parties. The human resources were allocated and the group mix was important and it stayed together throughout the duration of the project. The people considered for the were based on their prior knowledge, experience and strengths in order to achieve the desired goals. The communication used by the project manager was just ‘plain English’ and a strong steer of direction was controlled over the team. This helped the project team to understand the requirements of the project and also helped them to clear some of the technological and data specific aspects of the project. PEST and SWOT analyses were used to measure the outcomes of the project at periodical intervals. The project investigated elements of the college rather that looking at the sector as a whole. Precise decisions were taken at the supplies and the requirements of the technology and the project outcomes. The team were introduced to the Just in – Time methodology where the requirements were met when there was a real need to avoid going over the budget. The project was not just about providing a cutting edge in the field of technology but during the initial stages a significant time was taken in consideration for the processes and demands of the technology. The vendor representatives attended the regular project meeting each month. The vendor-appointed project manager is the point person to act as a liaison between the organization and the vendor. This individual is responsible for coordinating vendor resources, managing the vendor deliverables and handling support requests as they are identified. In addition, the vendor-supplied project manager or a member of the vendors team should be expected to provide guidance to the organization on how to best leverage the vendor product by sharing best practices, processes and experiences of other companies using the vendors technology. One of the biggest challenges for a project manager is striking a right balance between technical and non-technical skills. The review process used a minimum bureaucracy approach. Emphasis was placed on communicating the matter or escalating the matter to the superior level of management or the project manager. General questions regarding the project progress were asked like â€Å"where are we today?†, â€Å"What steps are still pending?† and â€Å"When can we get it done?† many of the simple questions helped in frame the project progress and resulted in appropriate measurement of task and timescales. Monthly progress reports were complied by the supervisor considering the work to be completed given at the beginning of the month. This in turn helped the project to be reviewed or monitor its progress. The final goal of the project was achieved and there were lot of experience gained, good relationships were built. Extra creditability was gained by the institute and it also helped in developing close relations and smooth flow of work among the work areas of the different sections of the college. Thus if a project is to successfully completed, both planning and execution must be properly implemented. Poor planning will not allow appropriate execution and control processes or achievement of the project’s targets. Hence considering the above arguments and discussion the project managers role in the organization and responsibilities towards both the firm and project team are important. Research Papers on The role of project managers in project managementThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductOpen Architechture a white paperLifes What IfsRiordan Manufacturing Production Plan

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business of weightloss Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business of weightloss - Assignment Example There are certain principles that anchor the success of South Beach Diet as outlined in the sections below. The principle used is based on Glycaemic Index where carbohydrates are broken down into sugar after consumption and absorbed to the bloodstream resulting in high blood sugar causing the release of insulin to reduce it (Agatston, 18). In the first, phase South Beach Diet proposes a carbohydrate free diet that results in energy for the body and fat storage. Owing to the lack of carbohydrates, the body will retrieve stored fats and burn them to produce energy to ensure energy balance in the body is maintained leading to about 3.5 to 5.5 kg loss of weight. To ensure energy balance is maintained in the body, gradual introduction of low glycemic foods and high fiber carbohydrates are reintroduced in the diet in phase two raising insulin levels at a slower rate than starchy carbohydrates. These food aids in supplementing the required energy for the body despite being on a weight loss program. After achieving the desired weight through phases 1 and 2 of the South Beach Diet, maintain the lifestyle principles of phase 1 and 2 is recommended however all the foods are eaten in moderation to avoid intake of more calories than is needed in the body. The diet encourages intake of fruits and vegetables as well as fiber and whole grains to ensure healthy diet and maintenance of weight. At this stage, the diet recommends 3 servings o starch, 3 pieces o fruit, and at most 2 tablespoons of good fat to ensure that the weight remains at the desired level. Healthy living is the other aim of South Beach Diet and this is achieved through drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, supplementing the body with minerals and vitamins with a recommendation of 500 mg of calcium for anyone below 50 years, and 1000 mg for women aged above 50 years. Avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol is the other measure of maintaining a healthy body as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Female circumssion in Africa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Female circumssion in Africa - Assignment Example Female circumcision, female genital mutilation (FGM), and female genital cutting (FGC) all define the cultural practice of totally or partially removing the external female genitals or genitalia (Bacquet-Walsh, Jordan and Moneti par. 1). The World Health Organization (WHO) (par. 1) describes female genital mutilation (FGM) as all methods that entail the total or partial removal of the female external genitalia, or other form of injury to the female organs for reasons that are non-medical. The least form of FGC is the removal of the clitoris. The removal of the whole external genitalia is the most severe type of FGC; the vaginal opening of the victim is nearly closed. A small opening is left for menstrual blood and urine (Bacquet-Walsh, Jordan and Moneti par. 1). Althaus (130) states that female circumcision has been practiced for a long time in parts of Africa and it is considered as an element of rite passage in preparation for the young girls’ marriage and womanhood. The procedure is usually performed in the absence of an anesthetic and/or under septic environments by individuals (practitioners) with little or no knowledge of medicine or human anatomy. In other words, the practice is usually performed by traditional circumcisers who play a significant role in the community like attending childbirths. However, the trend is changing and it is being performed by health care providers (WHO par. 2). Medical professionals also perform the practice for a fee. Among the population, FGM/FGC can be carried out by male barbers, herbalists, a female relative, members of the secret society, and traditional health practitioners (United Nations Population Fund [UNFPA] par. 8). FGM or female circumcision is recognized globally as the violation of girls’ and women’s human rights. It expresses the deep-rooted inequality between the sexes and entails an extreme type of discrimination against the women. It is normally carried out on small girls and it is a

Monday, November 18, 2019

There are a number of problems associated with the rise of English as Essay

There are a number of problems associated with the rise of English as a world language - Essay Example Different factors work together in attaining such a privileged position. Research personals have pointed out various reasons that help to attain the position. In this regard David Crystal has the opinion that the military power is crucial. He rightly comments: â€Å"a language becomes an international language for one chief reason: the political power of its people- especially their military power† (Burns & Coffin 2001, p. 30). The international economy plays a vital role in determining the future of the English language. Due to globalization the patterns of trade is undergoing drastic changes and new working practices emerge powerfully. For example screen based labour is getting wider acceptance nowadays and it affects the use of the English language in composite ways. At present one can observe a perceptible increase in the number of persons learning and using the English language but a close examination will prove that the long term growth of English is comparatively lesser than its former status. The 20th century witnessed many scientific, economic, and cultural developments and in fact it boosted the relevance of English as well. But it cannot be expected that it will last long as there is a trend of wider mixed language use in the recent years. Mainly four sectors can be identified where English may loose its dominance. Say for the audio- visual market, computer based communication, the associated pro cesses in economic globalization and foreign language training in developing countries where the regional trade may use other language of economic importance. For hundreds of years the English language has been dominated over the mono lingual speakers but now it is expected to have a bilingual future. Language professionals have the opinion that an increasing proportion of the world’s population will be fluent speakers of more than one language in the coming years. It really will affect the dominance of English over the world population. Social value shifts also affect the language of English in a negative way. The actions of governments, institutions and individuals have helped the promotion of English in the recent years. But it was guided by the logic of economic rationalism. Now there is a great change in the public opinion that quality of life is as important as the income. These type values shifts will question the ethical issues associated with the dominance of a world language like English and cause a reassessment of its impact on other cultures (Graddol 1997). The advantages of a world language like English are several. For example in business it can be very important as a medium as the business personals working together may vary of their nationalities. There a common language has got such a great relevance and it decides the effects of their dealings. But at the same time it has got certain demerits or disadvantages as well. First of all the existence of a global language will make an elite monolingual linguistic class and they will have a dismissive and complacent attitude towards other languages. Moreover the accessibility of a common language will make the people lazy of learning other languages. They will be reluctant to utilize such an opportunity though they get a chance. Some times the global language can cause the disappearance for a minority language and it may belittle the necessity of such languages. Above all the practice of a sin gle language can be a threat to social harmony and mutual understanding. This has got historical evidence. The American civil war, the Spanish civil war, Vietnam War former Yugoslavia and contemporary Northern Ireland are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Is Meteorology And Its Uses Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is Meteorology And Its Uses Environmental Sciences Essay Every day, thousands and thousands of people tune into weather forecast on television, radio, even news papers for news about the weather and if any changes are going to take place in the upcoming days, like floods or droughts or temperature change. Meteorology is the study of all the changes in the atmosphere, whether they were changes in temperature, air pressure, moisture, or wind direction in the troposphere. The air around the earth is called the atmosphere, it is divided into layers. Weather happens in the troposphere, the bottom layer, directly above the ground. Mount Everest, the highest point on the Earth, reaches about half way up the troposphere. Meteorology is useful for weather processes and forecasting. What is meteorology? Meteorology is the science of the atmosphere. It comes from the Greek word meteoron, which means something that happens high in the sky. Weather was important to the ancient Greeks because it affected the farmers who raised their crops and their seamen who sailed the oceans. The ancient Greeks observed and tried to understand how the clouds, wind, and rain were connected to one another. Weather Weather is an endless cycle of events. The four things that cause weather are the Sun, the atmosphere, water vapor and the wind. They all work together, spreading the Suns heat all over the world and making clouds. And the changes that occur over a longer period of time are known as climate. Weather has always been a significant concern to humans, and our inability to control it has led us to try to measure it, compare it, and predict it for the past hundreds of years. Weather contributes greatly with the study of meteorology, the five major weather elements are: -Temperature -Wind -Humidity -Pressure -Rainfall The Sun The sun is the main source of energy for the earth. The light and heat given out by the sun make it possible for plants and animals to live on earth. Without the sun, oceans would freeze and life could not be supported on earth. The sun is the key to the earths weather. It moves the air all over the world causing winds which carry weather changes. Air temperature is measured by a thermometer. http://images.google.com/url?source=imgresct=tbnq=http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112188/sun_and_earth.gifusg=AFQjCNH7-leVbgPcZpt29YvgoD3Yoo8NqQ http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112188/sun_and_earth.gif Air Pressure Although air is light, there is so much of it that air can exert huge pressure on earth. Air pressure or atmospheric pressure is caused by the weight of all the air pressing down in all directions at the ground. Air pressure changes when the temperature changes, it varies from place to place and from time to time as the Suns heat varies. Areas of high pressure are formed where air is sinking down, so its pushing harder towards the earth. But when air rises it leaves behind an area of lower pressure, because upward moving air is not pushing down so hard on the surface this creates low pressure. Air pressure is measured in millibars ,mb, on a barometer. Barometers help us forecast weather because changes in air pressure are linked to changes in the weather. Air Moisture There are various forms of moisture. Moisture is present in the air either in the form of gas, liquid, or solid. Atmospheric moisture plays a significant role in weather when it changes from one state to the other. Warm air can hold more water than cold air can. A hygrometer can be used to measure humidity, which is the amount of water in the air. A hygrometer consists of a wet bulb and a dry bulb thermometer. One end of the wet bulb thermometer is covered with muslin, which is wet. When the air is dry, more water will evaporate and the wet bulb thermometer will show a low reading. Air Masses Air masses are huge masses of air which are warm, cold, moist, or dry depending on the land or sea they pass by. Air masses move all over the Earths surface, they help spread the Suns heat around the world. Air masses are classified according to the area or the source they came from. There are two types of air masses. Air masses that form over oceans and seas called maritime. We have Tropical maritime, which develops over warm seas, and Polar maritime, forms over the seas near the poles. Air masses that form overland are called continental; there is Tropical continental, air mass that develops over hot or dry land, and Polar continental, air mass that develops over land near the poles. Boundaries between air masses are called fronts. The weather can be very unsettled near the fronts; some cold fronts cause lines of violent storms. There are three types of fronts, warm, cold, and occluded. Wind Wind is moving air. It blows because some air masses become warmer than others, basically wind moves because of the difference in air pressure around the world. In warm air, the tiny particles of air spread out. A mass of warm air is lighter than a mass of cold air, because warm air is so light it rises. As warm air rises, cold air flows in to take place. Climate and weather are determined by the wind. Wind is also affected by the Coriolis Effect. The earth spins on its axis, in the northern hemisphere winds are swung to the right. And in the southern hemisphere winds are swung to the left, this is called the Coriolis Effect. A windsock is used to measure the wind speed and direction. A weather vane can also be used to determine the winds direction. Severe/Extreme weather conditions Violent storms can be very dangerous, but as we discover more about the weather it becomes easier to forecast violent storms to avoid disasters. Some severe weather conditions are thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and avalanches. Some extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts may also affect the weather in some areas. Thunderstorms occasionally happen when the air is humid and warm. Clouds form in the sky and blustery winds start to blow, thunderstorms usually include lightning followed by thunder. Lightning and thunder happen at the same time, but you see thunder first because light travels faster than sound. Tornadoes are long funnels of violently spiraling winds. They form on land when there is warm, moist air near the ground and cold, dry air above it. The Coriolis Effect helps the tornado spin faster, as well as jet streams when they pass over the top of the storm. Weather forecast Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. The most straightforward way to predict the weather is to simply look out the window. However, for a more accurate weather forecast you need observational tools like radars, satellites and specially designed computers that will give you a clearer picture to the weather conditions. Some weather symbols that are used in television forecast and maps: http://images.google.com/url?source=imgresct=tbnq=http://s3.amazonaws.com/momentville/20889/photos/917979/917979_medium.jpgusg=AFQjCNHD4U47mTTE3a_bIXFBUrhjDKaQ http://s3.amazonaws.com/momentville/20889/photos/917979/917979_medium.jpg Weather gods Good harvests depends on good weather, early farmers who lived about 7,000 years ago thought gods ruled the weather. People today still pray for fine weather and good harvest. The Rainbow God, the Kabi people of Australia worship a god called Dhakhan who is half snake and half fish. He appears as a rainbow in the sky when he moves from one hole to the next. The Dragon Breath, the Chinese believed that dragons formed clouds with their breath and brought rain. The rain fell when the dragons walked over the clouds and storms raged when they fought. Dancing in the Rain, the Hopi Indians of North America perform special rain dances, and pray to the gods through these dances to send them rain. History The father or founder of meteorology is considered to be Aristotle. His book Meteorologica written around 340 B.C was the first study of the atmosphere. Some of Aristotles ideas were accurate, like ideas about rain and hailstorms, others were not. Like many thinkers of his time, he believed that reason and logic could lead to the truth and he didnt think it was necessary to observe the details of the natural world to understand it; thats why he got some of his ideas proven wrong in later years. As years went by, many centuries later natural philosophers realized that logic and speculation arguments alone couldnt produce real understandings of the natural world. For them to understand things in the world around them, it was necessary for them to measure, record, and analyze. But at that time, the only things that could be measured were wind direction and rainfall. And it continued like that for years to come. Later around A.D 1600 the thermometer was invented, following that the barometer, which measures atmospheric pressure, came a few years later. Devices and gadgets for measuring wind speed, humidity, and other important qualities of the atmosphere continued to develop over the next two- hundred years. Scientists used all of these newly-created instruments to record the long term trends of the weather which are known as climate. However, they still didnt understand the day to day or daily behavior of weather phenomenon like tornadoes, hurricanes, and thunderstorms. Years continued to pass, by the mid- 1800s, meteorologists began to realize clouds, wind, and rain at a particular place are produced by large weather systems that grow and change as they move. However this information was not very useful as long as weather information couldnt travel fast enough. The telegraph was later invented, allowing weather reports to be sent out instantly. Then they started to realize some of the weather patterns across the face of the earth. In the early 1900s, a group of Norwegian meteorologists began to study weather systems by applying basic laws of physics to the behavior of the atmosphere. There discovery or approach based on movements of huge warm and cold air masses and where they meet is the foundation of modern weather forecasting. In the 1940s, World War II brought great advances in the study of meteorology. Military land, sea, and air campaigns were highly dependent on weather over vast regions making its way from the North Pole to the South Pacifi c. Meteorology departments in universities grew rapidly as the military services sent cadets to be trained as weather officers. The military also supported scientific research on the weather and climate. During this period, technological developments such as the radar proved to be useful and valuable meteorological observing systems for both the military and studies dealing with meteorology. Meteorologists continued to develop many more new tools and techniques, since World War II, for observing and studying the atmosphere. They developed numerical model sets of equations that represent atmospheric processes and run them on supercomputers to analyze and predict the behavior of the atmosphere on every scale from the formation of raindrops to the circulation of the atmosphere over earth. Meteorologists today use satellites to observe hurricanes; they probe the violent cores of thunderstorms with radar and high performance aircrafts and many moreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Instruments and equipment used in meteorology (alphabetically ordered) -Anemometer, a device used for measuring wind speed -Barograph, an aneroid barometer that records the barometric pressure over time and produces either a foil or paper chart called a barogram. http://www.weatherinstruments.us/barograph-636.jpghttp://images.google.com/url?source=imgresct=tbnq=http://www.weatherinstruments.us/barograph-636.jpgusg=AFQjCNG0OGeiHhvp9o1n1AGw0Yh1cSeAvg -Barometer, an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure using either water, mercury, or air -Ceiling balloon, used to measure the height of the base of clouds during daylight. -Ceiling projector, a device that is used to measure the height of the base of clouds. -Ceilometer, a device that uses a laser or other light source to measure the height of the base of clouds. -Dark adaptor goggles, clear red tinted plastic goggles used either for adapting the eyes to dark for night observation or to help identify clouds during bright sunshine or glare from snow. -Disdrometer, an instrument used to measure the drop size, distribution, and velocity of falling hydrometeors. -Field mill, an instrument used to measure the strength of electric fields I the atmosphere near thunderstorm clouds. -Hygrometer, an instrument used to measure humidity. -Ice Accretion Indicator, an L shaped piece of aluminum used to indicate the formation of ice, frost, or the presence of freezing rain. -LIDAR, (Light Detection And Ranging) used in atmospheric physics that measures the properties of scattered light to find information about a distant target. -Lightning detector, a device that detects lightning produced by thunderstorms. -Nephelometer, an instrument used to measure suspended particulates in a liquid or gas, they are used to provide information on atmospheric visibility. -Pyranometer, used to measure broadband solar irradiance. -Radar, is a type of radar used to locate precipitation -Radiosonde, an instrument used to measure various atmospheric parameters and transmits them into fixed receivers. -Rain gauge, an instrument that gathers and measures the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time. -Snow gauge, an instrument that gathers and measures the amount of solid precipitation over a set period of time. -SODAR, (Sonic Detection And Ranging)an instrument that measures the scattering of sound waves by atmospheric turbulence. -Solarimeter, a pyranometer used to measure combined direct and diffuse solar radiation. -Sounding rocket, an instrument designed to take measurements and perform scientific experiments -Stevenson screen, it shields instruments from precipitation and direct heat radiation while still allowing air to circulate freely. Sunshine recorders, devices used to indicate the amount of sunshine at a given location.http://images.google.com/url?source=imgresct=tbnq=http://www.dreamstime.com/thermograph-hand-print-thumb7926563.jpgusg=AFQjCNGEaKUm4OVQx7d9cDtva90zoyGqOw -Thermograph, measures and records both temperature and humidityhttp://images.google.com/url?source=imgresct=tbnq=http://www.johnsherman.com/rh/thermograph.jpgusg=AFQjCNFZFUlyus7Uo5HE81MdF53cRidY1g http://www.johnsherman.com/rh/thermograph.jpg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_359/1233070515hwQfRX.jpg -Thermometer, a device that measures temperature -Weather balloon, a high altitude balloon that carries instruments and uses a radiosonde to send back information on atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity Weather radar, is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type and forecast its future position and intensity. Weather vane, a movable device attached to an elevated object that shows the direction of the wind Windsock, a textile tube used to determine wind direction and wind speed -Wind profiler, an equipment that uses SODAR or radar to detect wind direction and speed at different elevations. Conclusion More than 2,000 years ago, Greek philosophers looked at the sky and tried to understand what was happening there. Today, the ancient science of meteorology has grown and matured. It is at the cutting edge of research, seeking answers to basic questions about the world around us. Meteorologists today use satellites to observe hurricanes; they probe the violent cores of thunderstorms with radar and high performance aircrafts. They are working to further more develop applications that are crucially important to our lives and the lives of our children and the many more generations of grandchildren yet to come.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

East of the Mountains By David Gutterson :: essays research papers

This Book was written by David Guterson. He wrote another book which I don’t know much about called Snow Falling on Cedars. But he wrote this book which I was interested in certain parts of it, such as his ideal of wanting to commit suicide, a drifter who gave him some help on lessening the pain, and when he talked about his pass of when he was recruited from Camp Hale. This was a good book in my opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book was set in the season of fall and it was around 1997. In the book he talked of his past when he was a little kid with his dad and when he was growing up meeting his wife. The area was a country type place in a rich apple growing region. In the state of Washington were he goes to many mountains in the surrounding area. This was the setting of the book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many characters in this book. The main character of this book was Ben Givens a seventy- three year old retired heart surgeon. The whole story was set around him. Then there was his family which he talked about, Rachel who was his wife which who had pass away before him, Renee his daughter, Chris his grandson, Emma his granddaughter, Aidan his brother, and Wright Givens his father. Also he had two hunting dogs which were brow and white Brittanies named Rex and Tristan. On his hunting trip were he had planed on committing suicide he had met many people. A young couple who really get along with each other, a drifter who gave him some marijuana to ease the pain of his cancer, a veterinarian, a rancher and a migrant worker.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The summary of this story starts when Ben wakes up from another night of suffering from colon cancer. This day he had planned on his hunting trip that would ease his suffering. He had everything ready in the morning and he made it seem like he was just going on a hunting trip. Right when he starts his journey he gets into a car wreck destroying his car. But he is picked up by a couple that takes him to place that Ben thinks he can rent a car from. When he finds he can’t and is trying to hitch a ride he meets a man that give’s him some â€Å"medical† marijuana to help ease his pain. Ben gives up and goes to hunt in the near by mountains.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He started out hunting the chukars with his hunting dogs.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ben Lawson’s Custom Fabricators Research Essay

Question 1: How does Ben Lawson’s Custom Fabricators, Inc., create value for Orleans? Custom Fabricators, Inc. is able to create value to Orleans because Custom Fabricator’s manufacturing plant is right next to Orleans’ plant. Ben is able to minimize lead-time for Orleans. They are able to deliver parts to Orleans really fast. Quality is also something Custom Fabricators could ensure because they are able to fix something and deliver it to Orleans quicker because they are so close to each other. Custom Fabricators would also be more effective for Orleans because they’ve cooperated for so long, so Custom Fabricators know the needs and requirements of Orleans really well. They can offer Orleans better field support and problem solving. Question 2 In the past, what has been Ben Lawson’s competitive advantage in keeping the Orleans business? CFI can maintain its competitive advantage due to its propel location, it is near Orleans facility, and it also invest new machines to improve the processes of manufacture for Orleans; meanwhile, its employee loyalty is good because it pay its employees good. In this case, it make CFI have a competitive advantage. Question 3 Have Orleans’s priorities changed? From the case, it is clear to see the Orleans has changed priorities. There are trying to change base to the high quality products. Also they change products to cheaper price as a base strategy. They reduce the cost with elevators and the raw materials, also something else. Ben was concerned about some big issues, such as reducing labor costs and competing with the Mexican labor market. He also was concerned the security of his position relationship with the company.(Can Chen 9362) 4. Should Ben change his business model? Yes, Ben should change his business model because Orleans, its customers, is changing. Orleans outsourced the whole elevator. Orleans reduced its plant size from 400,000 square feet to 150,000 square feet. Recently, Orleans is reducing its material cost associated with its elevators by contracting many suppliers from Mexico. Meanwhile, Ben cannot compete with suppliers from Mexico in price. Therefore, Ben should work with some suppliers from Mexico to negotiate the material costor outsource totally. When dealing with suppliers from Mexico, Ben may face some difficulties, such as transportation and communication. Question 5: How should Ben position his company in the value chain? There are a few options for Ben to position his company in the value chain because of it’s close proximity to the Orleans plant. Inbound logistics would be one because delivery speed would be fast since they are so close. Orleans does not have to store too much inventory because of this. They can get materials from Ben in short time. Ben’s company could also easily provide service support to Orleans if any problems arise from parts manufactured by Custom Fabricators. Question 6 What should Ben do to ensure his company’s future success? I think CFI should improve their operation management to make their processes more efficient and effective, meanwhile they need to match their current marketing strategies to global market. the top management of CFI should also consider whether carry out more capital investment because these new technology could reduce cost, improve quality, therefore increase competitive advantage in the market. finally, CFI could partner with some other companies to improve overall competitiveness.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Guys And Girls

â€Å"What a girl prefers in a guy† Every man’s dream is to have the perfect companion. However, in order to have one, you must first be able to get one. Most believe such a task can be extremely difficult, yet if done properly, it can be accomplished swiftly and efficiently. In fact, there are only a few basic procedures to getting a girl. The first step of this process is rather quite simple; get her attention. Initiating conversation is half the battle. As well, it is very effective to make frequent eye contact. Let her catch you staring once in a while and smile at every chance you get. Your goal is to be fairly subtle, while still making it obvious that you want her. Once you have succeeded in being noticed, you are ready for the next step. Be funny, be confident, but be yourself. The absolute worse thing you can do when trying to get a girl is to change your personality. Self-assurance is indispensable and by altering your character, you are telling her that you lack confidence. Having a sense of humor is also very important. It is absolutely crucial to make her smile, even if it occasionally requires making a fool of yourself. If you can’t make her laugh, you don’t stand a chance. Now that she’s interested, entice her by making her feel special. Without being too overwhelming, attempt to spend as much time as possible with her. Devote yourself to making her feel different than the rest by going out of your way to please her. Little things count most. For example, cancel a pre-planned weekend with the boys and take her out for dinner and a movie instead. Randomly buy her flowers and she will melt. Let her hear things she wants to hear. Compliment her hair or her outfit, but don’t go overboard. Too much of a good thing gets taken for granted. It’s also essential that you be interested, or pretend to be interested, in things she likes. If she plays sports watch her game, even in the pouring rain. Once she feels a littl... Free Essays on Guys And Girls Free Essays on Guys And Girls â€Å"What a girl prefers in a guy† Every man’s dream is to have the perfect companion. However, in order to have one, you must first be able to get one. Most believe such a task can be extremely difficult, yet if done properly, it can be accomplished swiftly and efficiently. In fact, there are only a few basic procedures to getting a girl. The first step of this process is rather quite simple; get her attention. Initiating conversation is half the battle. As well, it is very effective to make frequent eye contact. Let her catch you staring once in a while and smile at every chance you get. Your goal is to be fairly subtle, while still making it obvious that you want her. Once you have succeeded in being noticed, you are ready for the next step. Be funny, be confident, but be yourself. The absolute worse thing you can do when trying to get a girl is to change your personality. Self-assurance is indispensable and by altering your character, you are telling her that you lack confidence. Having a sense of humor is also very important. It is absolutely crucial to make her smile, even if it occasionally requires making a fool of yourself. If you can’t make her laugh, you don’t stand a chance. Now that she’s interested, entice her by making her feel special. Without being too overwhelming, attempt to spend as much time as possible with her. Devote yourself to making her feel different than the rest by going out of your way to please her. Little things count most. For example, cancel a pre-planned weekend with the boys and take her out for dinner and a movie instead. Randomly buy her flowers and she will melt. Let her hear things she wants to hear. Compliment her hair or her outfit, but don’t go overboard. Too much of a good thing gets taken for granted. It’s also essential that you be interested, or pretend to be interested, in things she likes. If she plays sports watch her game, even in the pouring rain. Once she feels a littl...